Growing in a vertical farm can be incredibly rewarding, however there are many simple mistakes that can cost you crop yield and quality. We have compiled a list of some of the most common grow room fails, so that you can avoid these mistakes!

Overcrowding Plants:

The first common mistake that many growers make is overcrowding their plants. Whilst having a high crop density can be great for boosting yield, this can be detrimental to plant health. When plants are overcrowded there is more competition for nutrients, these nutrients are essential for the growth and health of your plants. Therefore if the plants don’t receive the nutrients that they need, growth will be poor or may even stop all together. Another problem with overcrowding is the masking of powdery mildew and pests. You may miss these hiding in between the leaves of close together plants which could have disastrous consequences, which we will touch upon later on in this post.


Water is essential for plants, so it is important that you give them the right amount. Photosynthesis and plant transpiration are both processes that use water to keep the plant alive. The amount of water that a plant needs will be dependent on not the only the plant itself but also the substrate it is planted in. This is because different substrates have different water retention rates. Over watering can kill your plants. The roots become waterlogged which prevents them from properly absorbing oxygen, leading to root rot.

Letting Pests and Powdery Mildew Invade

Without proper measures and checks powdery mildew and pests can easily infest a grow room. Powdery mildew is a type of fungus that steals nutrients from plants. This appears as a white, powdery coating on the surface of plants. Pests such as aphids and spider mites can cause damage to your crops. To avoid this ensure that you regularly check your plants for mildew and pests. The best way to avoid these infestations is to maintain a clean grow room.

Not Using The Right Conditions for Your Plants

Temperature, humidity, pH, and a range of other factors are extremely important when growing crops in a vertical farm. Using the wrong conditions can be fatal to your plants, so it is extremely important to know what conditions you need. We have made this simple with our new Farm Builder- coming soon!

Break down:

  1. Overcrowding plants
  2. Over/under watering
  3. Letting pests and powdery mildew invade
  4. Not using the right conditions for your plants